Today was difficult. My father in-law has been living with his daughter and her husband. It has gotten too difficult for them to handle him. We all decided this afternoon to put him in a nursing home. We never wanted to put any of our parents in a nursing home, but Alzheimer's is a terrible disease.
He is so unhappy. He can't make decisions. He's beginning to have trouble eating. He doesn't take proper care of himself. He can't remember what happened 5 minutes ago. He's even been violent.
His daughter and her husband can't go anywhere or do anything. They can't talk amongst themselves or he goes into a rage about them talking about him. They can't have their grandkids over because he gets upset around them.
If life is like a box of chocolates, his last one was a bitter one.
My father in law is the same…and it is heartbreaking. The only difference is that mil insists on keeping him at home…and it is really not safe. They live 5 hours away but we try to get there as often as we can…and the siblings in the area try to help as much as they can…it is such a terrible disease…we feel as if the person has died long ago… since we love and respect him so much it is so painful to watch everything being stripped away from him. Eleanor
it is such an awful disease. I commend your SIL & BIL for taking care of your FIL for as long as they did. Praying they (and you) will have peace about making the decision to put him in a nursing home, where they can give him the care that he needs at this stage in his illness.
Amy Beth <><