I haven't talked too much about Matthew. He's the little guy in the avatar to your right. He's my oldest (19 yr). He's been away at college this semester. He's coming home for the holidays.
This is a bitter sweet coming home. He'll be here for 3 weeks. That's great. But, he's going to move to Colorado in January. Apparently, he's in love. I know, I know. It's only natural. And yes, she's a great girl. In fact, she's just what I've always wanted for him. But, she is from Colorado and he wants to be close to her (go figure).
I've always heard people talking about their kids moving off. I didn't think it was any big deal. After all, we got married and moved to Florida. But that was different. We were more mature (yeah, right). Now I know that this is going to be a lot harder than I ever thought.
I've got to do this 5 more times. Of course, we'll be so old when the little ones leave, we probably won't even know they're gone — just kidding.
Anyway, Matthew is coming home tomorrow and we look forward to a great Christmas with him.
I just wanted to make a comment on the difficulty of your children moving away. I don’t think there’s much in this world that’s harder. Last week I was watching “A Baby Story” on TLC and a new mother explained it so well. She said, “I am now holding my heart in my arms.” Well, your heart moves away. The bond is stronger than “the two become one flesh” I believe, because it did not become anything – it IS.
Not only do the few times your family will be whole again become very precious – but I began to look at how those felt for our parents – and made an effort to join into ‘all kid’ get togethers even when it was not easy for me because I realized I needed to do it for them – just as I hope my children will someday do for me. Of course, having boys – I doubt they will see it as much as girls do.
I read once the pain of having to suffer with living what you’ve been training your children to do all their lives – be independent. I suffer everyday without my kids. I have never talked to other mothers about it – and so I don’t know if my reaction if ‘normal’ but it’s mine, nonetheless.
Your sis