Here we are already in the beginning of January. How time flies.
School began Tuesday (we take Monday's off to run errands). All is going well. I'm finding myself going against all the advice I give others. I don't know how we did it, but all the kids are studying something different in science. That means I'm studying the Human Body (GSA) with my 9 year old, Physical Science (Apologia) with my 12 year old and Biology (Apologia) with my 14 year old. It makes for interesting variations in my day, but it is also time consuming.
Of course, the math and language arts are all different. Also, they are all studying Latin or Greek (14 year old — Latin, 12 and 9 year olds — Greek). Since I really know nothing about these subjects, I'm really stretching it trying to cover it all.
For History, I'm using History and Geography of the Bible by Bob and Sandra Waldron with the 14 and 12 year olds. It is pretty intensive. We goofed off and didn't get it to it regularly during the fall, so we are going to have to do 2 lessons a week consistently to finish it by June.
The one thing we do consistently together is our oral reading. We are reading through the Bible. I hoped to finish it by June (to coincide with the end of the History and Geography of the Bible study), but I don't think I'll make it. I'm either going to have to carry our reading over into next year or just read the story line and not the poetry/prophets etc.
That sounds like I'm wanting to rush through the Bible. It's not that. I just want to read it through entirely and in a reasonable enough time that we see the entire picture.
We are also reading The Swiss Family Robinson. I thought that would be a fitting reading after Robinson Crusoe. We will be through in about 2 weeks. I'm not sure what we'll read after it's done. I've thought about Gulliver's Travels to carry on the stranded on an island theme.
To sum it up, I'm teaching too many different subjects. The kids all seem to be enjoying their independent study (if you call studying with me independent). I just have to remind myself that they won't be this age forever. Enjoy them while they are here.
What a great advantage your children are having.
What a great advantage your children are having.