Why do you believe in God? That may seem like a silly question, but I don't think we all believe in God for the same reasons.
I've heard people say you need to believe in God so that He will improve your life. What does that mean? Will He improve your financial status, your health, your relationships? Is that why we should believe in God?
I've heard others say we should believe in God or we'll go to hell. Is that the reason we should believe in God? Do we just want to stay out of hell?
I think we should believe in God because we can't believe anything else. It is the only option. It doesn't matter what God can or will do for us. We believe in God because He created us. He is in charge. It's His world not ours.
If we believe in God for this reason, then we can't help but want to do what He has asked us to do. We won't waver in our belief just because of our conditions here on earth. Some people turn to God in times of trouble. Some people turn away from God in times of trouble. If they truly believe in God because He is the one true God and the creator of all, they wouldn't ever have to turn to Him. They would always be focused on Him.
Why do you believe in God? Because there's something in it for you or because you can't help but believe in Him?
I believe in God because that is the only thing that makes any sense at all.