My 14 year old is really into photography and fixing pictures up on the computer. He took this picture of my 3 year old ignoring the camera, added a sunflower in his hand and played around with the color. I thought it turned out really nice. What do you think?

I think that’s really cool. I actually love photography too. I want to go to NYC to study it.Tell your 14 year old Good Job!
Boy, he did a very good job! I’m sure you’ll continue to encourage him in this area. My daughter is up on photography too!
That is so neat what your son has done to the picture with the computer , my son who is 13 would love it too. I will show it to him, he is also a computer wiz. Have you some how printed it out to frame?
bfn, Canadagirl
Oh, that’s just beautiful — you have a very talented young man on your hands, I wish I could do that with some of my photos! Thanks for sharing it!