Yes, it's official. My 19 year old son is engaged. His fiancee is a home school graduate from CO. She is very sweet. They make a good couple. The date is next year (July). By then, he will have graduated from college.
I can't help but think back to that little boy I used to cuddle. He loved to be read to. He loved to play baseball. He loved to just be a kid. As he grew older he became a good cook. He became a good musician. He became a young man that was actually fun to be around. The more he grew into that young man, the less we saw of him. He went to college and worked 2 jobs. After falling in love with Sarah, he moved to be closer to her and her family. It has been sad watching him grow farther from us, but I am proud that he is willing and able to do it.
We work all those years trying to produce a mature, independent, Christian, young man. We should be proud when the end result is a mature, independent, Christian young man that needs us less and less.
I love you Matthew and Sarah.
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That is a great blessing to be able to say you did it! He’s grown and is an independent Christian young man. I pray I will be able to say the same about mine one day!
That is a great blessing to be able to say you did it! He’s grown and is an independent Christian young man. I pray I will be able to say the same about mine one day!
My oldest is still at the stage where he thinks all girls make great friends, so long as they’ll hold the worms while he digs them out of the garden. lol
Good luck to your oldest’s new adventure ;)