Well, if you answered "no", you just don’t know it yet. The recent media has been all a buzz about mothers who are coming out of the closet and admitting the shameful. They are bored. These mothers have had successful careers, decided to take some time out to have a family, and are bored. They bought into the whole idea of mothering is a spiritual experience that will leave you feeling uplifted and fulfilled at all times. Now, they are bored.
Being a mother is wonderful. Having children that look up to you and depend on you for everything is wonderful. Knowing that by rocking the cradle, your hand "rules the world" is awesome. The influence we have on our children as they grow up is immense. Mothers help in guiding their children to become responsible, loving, God-fearing adults. That is amazing.
What these poor mothers that are bored did not understand when they decided to become mothers is that it’s not about them. If someone becomes a mother so they will be uplifted, fulfilled, and generally revered, they got into it for the wrong reasons. Someone that takes a break from their "real life" to become a mother and experience the joys of motherhood just doesn’t get it. It’s not about the mom being fulfilled. It’s not about the mom feeling wonderful. It’s all about the children having a loving home and being raised to be responsible, loving, God-fearing adults.
Mothering is not glamorous. It is hard work. It is the hardest work you’ll ever do. It is not only the hardest work you’ll ever do, but it is also probably the only work you’ll do 24/7 with no pay. You’ll be changing diapers, wiping noses, cleaning spilled milk, reading the same book for the 50th time, watching Barney on TV, singing children’s songs over and over, cooking meals the kids don’t want to eat, cleaning the same room several times a day, etc. If this doesn’t sound appealing to you, don’t have a baby. If it doesn’t sound appealing to you, you’ll get bored.
Now, for the rest of us who find all of the above exciting, motherhood will be a joy. Mothers that aren’t bored know they will be doing mundane, repetitive chores everyday for as long as it takes her little brood to fly the nest. Mothers that aren’t bored know that anything worthwhile is hard work. Mothers that aren’t bored receive their pay in hugs and kisses. They know that their bonuses are the precious dandelion flowers their 3-year-old brings to them with grubby little hands, the rocks their 4-year-old lovingly hands to them with pride. They know that, eventually, their little guys will grow up and leave them. Then, their pay is in seeing their children treat their spouse with love and respect, see them become responsible members of society and see them lovingly do the mundane chores of raising children that she did.
While our media reports that mothers are bored and should finally come out of the closet and admit it, the rest of us that know better are quietly wiping noses, cleaning spills, and watching Barney as our children "rise up and call her blessed".
Great post! I could not agree more! When your child brings you one of those homemade books with the stick-figure drawings professing their love for you—well—that is just the best! I really feel sorry for those who cannot be happy for one short season of life when we are given the most blessed work of all–taking a child straight from the Lord and molding them into a vessel the Lord can use. Thanks for the reminder of the nobility of this work we do.
Thanks for writing this! Wonderful thoughts.
"…it's not about them." You hit the nail right on the head.