I try not to gloat over my children but, well, they’re very special. I’m sure you understand because, of course, yours are special too. My 16-year-old is a musician. I don’t say that lightly. It’s not that he can play an instrument fairly well. All of my kids can do that. Timothy is a true musician. He thinks about it all the time. He doesn’t just do enough to please his teacher. He goes above and beyond what is asked of him. He’s not satisfied to play an instrument. He wants to play all the instruments. He’s not satisfied to play someone else’s music, he writes his own music. He’s not satisfied to buy an instrument, he makes his own. I’m not going to burden you with the details of all of his music adventures in one post. Today I would just like to tell you about the past 2 weeks in Timothy’s life.
This is always a busy time of year for him. He has attended SFA’s String Camp in Nacogdoches, TX for the past 4 years. It lasts a week and ends on Friday. For the past 3 years, he has hitched a ride to Singing School in Wilburton, OK the following day and spent the next week (that would be this week) learning how to be a better song leader in our worship services.
During string camp this year, he won the concerto contest and was given the privilege of performing Haydn’s Cello Concerto in C 1st mvt with the orchestra accompanying him. He did an excellent job. We had just bought a new camera the day before so we were able to get a decent video of his performance. If you’d like to hear it, go here:
The following picture was created from some a friend took at singing school yesterday. He spends all day Monday-Friday learning how to be a better song leader, learning new hymns, learning about the importance of worship, etc. On Thursday evening, after the nightly singing, they have a talent show. He took his violin (that he made) and performed a fiddling tune. I’m not sure what he played but I’m guessing it was either Listen To the Mockingbird of The Orange Blossom Special. He also got to participate in a barbershop ensemble. I personally love barbershop and am thrilled when my boys get the chance to sing barbershop.
Thanks for allowing me this moment to brag. Feel free to brag on your children on your own blog. :)
Thanks for “bragging”. I enjoy you sharing all this. I love to read about Timothy. He inspires ME. I like to see him leading singing. That picture collage is great. Congrats on your new camera. You are putting it to a wonderful use. It is truly a pleasure to see his concentration, his way of feeling music, and to listen.
We were listening this CD, http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00000212K/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i00 it is a collection, we have the Tchaikovsky one too, and the girls love them. They think now that BACK is the best musician in the whole universe, ha ha ha.
God Bless you and your family.
Much love,
Those CDs are the best. Timothy was greatly influenced by them all when he was younger. He would listen to them over and over again at night when he went to sleep.
As I read your answers, I am tortured by my typos like BACH! :)
We have the Tchaikovsky in tape, ha ha ha,, and now this one we bough on DVD. I want to start getting more for they are wonderful.